
Zach | senior {college station photographer}

June 5, 2013

College Station has seen some crazy weather the last few weeks! Right before this shoot we had a torrential down poor and not long after the shoot we had another! Zach, however, was not phased by the weather. Unlike us ladies, his hair held up nicely in the 100% humidity! ???? Zach’s dad saw some […]

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Taiyaki occupy farm-to-table swag fashion axe four loko. Church-key palo santo selvage.

College Station has seen some crazy weather the last few weeks! Right before this shoot we had a torrential down poor and not long after the shoot we had another! Zach, however, was not phased by the weather. Unlike us ladies, his hair held up nicely in the 100% humidity! ????

Zach’s dad saw some other senior pictures I took of Tracy, a senior here in town, and had his wife, Pam, call me up. I’m so glad he did. Zach is an awesome young man and will make a fine Fightin’ Texas Ag in a few short months! We walked, jumped and roamed around campus. Starting at the Admin. building and then ending at the Bonfire Memorial. I had never been there and it was quite humbling. Justin, my hubby, was at A&M when Bonfire fell and helped clear the debrie. I love the inscription on the wall there. The truth of it has become apparent to me since moving here 8 months ago, “There’s a spirit can ne’er be told…”! Congrats to Zach and welcome to the freshman Class of 2017!

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Not sure where to start on your journey to living an unhurried life? Not to worry! I've got what you need in my Unhurried Life Starter Kit. It's strategically designed to help you create intention and purpose in your day-to-day.


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