
Wedding at The Veranda I Lauren + Ryan

November 4, 2014

I was ooh-ing and ahh-ing over Lauren and Ryan’s wedding long before I arrived at The Veranda in San Antonio. I met Lauren when she came in town for her engagement portraits with Jen. (Lauren and Jen were actually college roommates!) Once Lauren told me about her navy and blush color palette and showed me […]

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I was ooh-ing and ahh-ing over Lauren and Ryan’s wedding long before I arrived at The Veranda in San Antonio. I met Lauren when she came in town for her engagement portraits with Jen. (Lauren and Jen were actually college roommates!) Once Lauren told me about her navy and blush color palette and showed me her beautiful invitations, I could not have been more excited for the wedding!

Ally, one of our associates, and I took a road trip to San Antonio for the wedding. After stopping at Bucee’s, shooting an engagement session, and making a morning Starbucks run, we finally arrived at The Veranda. This was one of the most beautiful, unique venues I have ever been to. The property has an estate house, a covered pavilion, a courtyard…you name it, they have it!The Veranda was the perfect fit for Lauren and Ryan’s elegant wedding!

Believe it or not, Lauren and Ryan actually met at his sister’s wedding. To find out more about how they met and learn some fun facts about the couple, keep reading below:

When and how did you meet?

We met when I did the hair and makeup at Ryan’s little sister wedding. Ryan’s mom, little sister and I really hit it off during the consultation and they invited me to the wedding. A few weeks before the wedding Ryan’s mom, Kathy let me know she had a son that she wanted me to meet because she was pretty sure we were supposed to get married. I was flattered but knew these kind of set ups never work out. Basically the entire wedding was a conspiracy to get us to dance together and fall madly in love… guess it worked!

How did he/she propose?

Ryan proposed at Tapatio Springs golf course in Boerne. This is where his sister got married and where we met so when Ryan asked me that day if I wanted to go golf I was very hopeful and I curled my hair just in case ???? As we were walking up to the clubhouse, Ryan sat down on a bench and I sat next to him. He was putting his golf shoes on, then he started getting a little choked up as he was saying sweet things about the past 7 months of our lives together…and then out of no where, he pulled the ring box out of his other shoe and got down on his knee to ask me to be his wife!!!!! Both sides of our family were just down the road at my parents house ready to celebrate with us!

If you could hop on a plane and go have dinner for two anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

We both just counted to three to say our pics and we both said Paris… I guess I just say that because of the romance of the city and the amazing food and wine.

Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Kemp! I’m so glad I could be a part of your big day!

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The Veranda San Antonio 40 Ryan + Lauren
42 Ryan + Lauren The Veranda San Antonio The Veranda San Antonio 45 Veranda Reception 46 Veranda Reception 47 Veranda Reception 48 Veranda Reception 49 Veranda Reception

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A special thank you to everyone who helped make this day so special!

Venue- The Veranda // Photography- Jen Brazeal Photography, Associate Kati (lead) and Associate Ally (Second Shooter) // Catering- // Cake Entertainer- Josh Klaus

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