
Fort Worth Wedding Photographer I Emilie + Zach

May 26, 2015

This was by far the most first’s I’ve had at a wedding! To list just a few of the firsts…first first kiss hand shake, first first dance flash mob, first pies in the face by the bride and groom! Yup, pie in the face on your wedding day! I loved getting to head up to […]

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Taiyaki occupy farm-to-table swag fashion axe four loko. Church-key palo santo selvage.

This was by far the most first’s I’ve had at a wedding! To list just a few of the firsts…first first kiss hand shake, first first dance flash mob, first pies in the face by the bride and groom! Yup, pie in the face on your wedding day! I loved getting to head up to the metroplex to be a Fort Worth Wedding Photographer for the day! But most of all I loved that Emilie and Zach asked me to be their photographer! I felt so special to be included in this day.

They are two of the most ‘non-serious’people I know and their funniness is seriously contagious! You can’t help but laugh right along with them as they have the ability to make anyone feel completely at home and welcome. They honestly crack me up not to mention they love and honor the Lord which you can totally tell from their actions and example! It was so much fun to see so many familiar faces too! I couldn’t believe how many of Emilie and Zach’s guests and wedding party I knew or had a connection with. It makes you feel even more included when you have friends all around!

This Fort Worth wedding venue is a real WOW! If you have never heard of the Botanical Research Institutein Fort Worth, you need to view this link! Even though the plan was to wed out of doors and the weather moved us inside we had a lovely time. It was a unique scene and made for some beautiful wedding photos that I’m thrilled to share!

The BRIT wedding

The BRIT wedding photography

BRIT wedding photographer

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fort worth photographer

wedding photographer fort worth

fort worth wedding photographer

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fort worth wedding photographer

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Time for some Q&A with the happy couple!

Q. What was your first impression of your fiancé?

A. Hmmmm I’m not sure it was so long ago… He seemed very smart (and he is). We started becoming friends around the time “words with friends” was really popular, and he would cream everyone he played. I also remember us having long conversations about The Office (the tv show).

Answering for Zack, I know that he used to joke with a mutual friend of ours that I was imaginary, since he had never seen me at our ASSIST meetings! I’m not sure what he thought once he actually met me. I was pretty quiet and shy at the time, so probably something like that.

Q. How did he/she propose?

A. Earlier in the summer, we had planned to bring his best friend David from high school (who went to college in Indiana) down for the A&M game on November 1st. Zack figured that would be a great weekend to do it since we would be in College Station and his friend would be there. That Friday morning Zack and David picked me up from work and we carpooled to College Station. David was meeting a friend for lunch, so he took the car and dropped off Zack and I on campus. Zack and I then walked around campus for several hours, visiting our favorite places and reminiscing. I had no idea anything was going to happen, I just thought David was enjoying a VERY long lunch! After being on campus for 4 hours, Zack convinced me that we should walk to Gabbard Park, which was one of our favorite spots in College Station; we both lived about a block away from it while we were in school and would hang out there a lot. Once we got there, we started walking across the baseball field towards the lake/island area. I noticed some people staring at us and remarked at how weird that was. Zack then pointed out that one of them looked familiar… and then I realized what was happening and stopped dead in my tracks. Zack had to drag me over by the hand ???? Our four closest friends were lining the path to the island and had placed some candles along the path. In reference to a proposal from our favorite show The Office, each of our friends asked to marry me. In my shock I didn’t fully understand the reference so I may have said yes to a few of them! The last friend was David, who handed Zack a polo and the ring. We then walked over to the island were there were flowers and two carved pumpkins that Zack had made the week before. Went down on one knee and that’s pretty much it!

Special thank you to everyone who made this Fort WorthWedding such a special day! We love our vendors and love to hear from them and other fans of Jen Brazeal Photography. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or ideas and most of all thank you for your support and spreading the word about Jen Brazeal Photography. Your biggest complement is sharing our name with future brides, grooms and friends! We are a College Station Wedding Photography Business but available for travel and we’re honored to be considered to capture the special moments in your life.

Venue- Botannical Research Institute // Photography- Jen Brazeal Photography, Jen Brazeal // Florist- A Rose in Bloom// Desserts- Stir Crazy Baked Goods// Catering- Feastivities

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