You walk into my house and to the right is a giant wall filled with photos from as early as 1881. It’s filled with my family. Our wedding photos, our siblings, parents, grandparents and so on.
What about you? Where do photos fall into your life? How do you preserve your memories for the next generation? Digital space? Your phone?
Every inch of our house is filled with photos and I have a stack of yearly photo albums sitting on our coffee table. In 50 years our kids will have loads of memories to look back on, laugh about and reminisce.
I’ve always been like this. Loving a good walk down memory lane. Yea, I have loads of fancy equipment and I’ve been paid to take photos for years but let’s get real.
These days my life pics are taken on my phone. Amen, anyone?
When we go on once of a lifetime vacays or family trips to Disney, I take my phone these days because it’s EASY!
A few weeks ago I got an email from a good friend asking me for pics for his wedding. He was getting married and his mom wanted middle school and high school pics. We were pretty close friends and he thought since I’m a photographer I muuuust have all my pics from 1999 sitting on a shelf on a CD ready to hand over.
I had a moment of panic cause, I didn’t!
All those pics are somewhere on a hard drive, collecting dust and probably (to be honest) corrupted and never to be seen again. This realization made me so sad!
I used to make scrapbooks in High school and some in college so I had a few pics but for the most part, those photos are either lost in digital space or sitting in a shoe box in my parents closet back home.
Now, I have this stinking simple method of keeping all my phone pics organized, edited and ready to drop into a photo album every new year so I can have a hand held photo album to sit on the coffee table. I don’t have to worry about pics getting lost in digital space or out of order in a shoe box.
This system for keeping my picks lookin’ prof and organized is waiting for you! It’s called the PHONEography course and it teaches you eeeeverything you would ever need to know about phone pics.
I walk you through taking a good pic, finding the right light, framing the shot, and editing like a pro. The best part of all, I hand over my full super simple system for keeping phone pics organized so you can get them off your phone!
I want to make sure you know everything about your camera you carry around in your back pocket. My goal is for you to feel so comfortable with that thing you are flooding the future with memories.
Click here so you can dive in and get started ASAP!! The first step is my FREE 5 day challenge: Take better phone pics. After the challenge you’ll get limited time access to the PHONEography course!
This is gonna change your summer! Your kids are gonna love you for this! And your future kids spouses will too, cause you’ll be able to hand over all the adorable and embarrassing pics from their childhood to “oooo” and “ahhhh” over!