
Taking Action – Becoming Bold Series

February 22, 2021

Have you ever gotten stuck in your dreams? Maybe you’re there now. You know there is a difference in dreamers and doers, but how do you bridge the gap?  How do you start taking action? Have you been collecting ideas instead of doing something with them? Don’t get discouraged, in fact, be encouraged. In this […]

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This is the place where we're both learning to simplify, and cut out the distractions that keep us “barely above water”. 


Ready to Make Your Dreams Happen?

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Taiyaki occupy farm-to-table swag fashion axe four loko. Church-key palo santo selvage.

Have you ever gotten stuck in your dreams? Maybe you’re there now. You know there is a difference in dreamers and doers, but how do you bridge the gap?  How do you start taking action?

Have you been collecting ideas instead of doing something with them? Don’t get discouraged, in fact, be encouraged.

In this post we’re going to go over the 3 ways that can get you into action taking mode as well as give you 6 tips to take action immediately.  The biggest piece of advice on taking action is that it’s easier to encourage others to take action vs doing yourself.  So grab a friend to share with.

Also, remember this is not just me preaching here!  The Word is filled with verses for taking action not only in life but in spreading the Word to others.

“But be doers of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.” James 1:22

So, here is your chance. Get a fire lit under you and keep reading to discover how you can start taking action instead of just wishing you could.

Have you been collecting ideas instead of doing something with them? Don’t get discouraged, in-fact, be encouraged. Taking action is way simpler than you may be thinking.

This is a 6 week series called Becoming Bold and our dream is for you to go through this with a friend.  We’re giving you the tools to make the change, to take control of your life, and start living in a way that honors yourself and your family. All you have to do is tune in, print the weekly worksheet and find a friend to go through it together.

FREE RESOURCE: Becoming Bold Weekly Worksheet


Let’s look at distractions. Distractions are what keep you from taking action and I hate to say it (or do I?) that phones and technology can be today’s biggest distraction!

Realizing that you need to stay grounded in realizing how much you really “need” to be on social and on your phone  is an important step to take. Consider implementing a phone fast in your life.

What’s a phone fast?  A purposeful break from your phone.  Get creative and try not to make excuses as to why this wouldn’t work for you.

Our kids are so much happier when we don’t have our phones. Having real life conversation with our kids is what we were made for.

Sometimes true freedom can be found in a time that is tech free.

When you can get away from tech, phones, and social media you see a win in your life. You build confidence in knowing that you can do something you set your mind to.  Confidence in one area brings confidence in other areas.

Everything in life that is hard is just a series of steps that are easy.
-Steve Garguilo

Sometimes taking action and becoming bold looks big. It looks like a splash and it turns heads. That’s awesome but it could also be in the small steps too.

It may not be easy and it will take time but it will be worth it.


How to Take Action | The Unhurried Life

Remember that when you take action you’re exercising a muscle.  The more you practice it, the easier it gets.

When you’re looking at ways to actually take action here are some ways to reflect and get purposeful.

Asking for help
Coaches and counselors
Having someone challenge you to evaluate
There are some great books out there – best self help is the Bible.

Okay, so I just mentioned some tools you can use for seeing growth in your own life. Now I want to get into one of my personal favorites and that’s how altering your routines can actually help you build a new life.

Routines are just a series of habits strung together, so when it comes to making new routines remember to start small and build.

Pick one routine to get really good at and then add onto that.

For example, morning routines.  Wynne talks about how she knew for a while she needed to create a good morning routine but she fought it.  Once she did it, it changed how she did her whole day.

Some routines, or even just the word, can feel restrictive but they give your mind freedom to just do and you can think about other things instead.

When you’re starting new routines come at it with a plan and don’t overwhelm yourself.  Remember full on routines rarely happen overnight. To help you out check out the resource below!

FREE RESOURCE: Create the Perfect Morning Routine


How do you stay away from inaction?  You don’t want to allow good words, good thoughts, and good intentions to remain undone. The best way to take action is to do it as soon as you get the idea. Take the step to take action.

This is creating a life you want to live.  You could have an idea, brainstorm ways to do it and even write some stuff out. But the more you dream of the idea the less likely you get to doing. As you start to flex your action muscles you start to see how taking action is so important, not just to your life, but as an example to your kids as well.

When you put off and put off, you’re stealing from the now. Catch yourself as you say or think … I’ll do it tomorrow, or later, or when life’s a little less chaotic.

What could becoming bold look like in your life?  Why is it important to take action today?

There are several realms in which you could be wanting to take action. Maybe its a business idea, a decorating project, a promotion, or something else that’s big.  Think outside the box and instead of, “what if?” don’t give yourself time to finish that thought…

Isn’t it true, something you love and you’re passionate about you tend to say, “I need to set aside time to do this later”.  Try committing to take action right away. Being scared or nervous of failure is no longer in your tool box.

As you start to take action you get stronger, failure becomes a stepping stone and your family sees that.  You’re changing a generation by simply doing.


It starts in your mind – you have worth and purpose.

When it comes to the stuff that makes you nervous or feel unsteady, say it out loud, even in an empty room.  Just speaking the truth of your next move is motivation you need to do.

Remember to write it down and do this all with somebody else – get vulnerable.

Have you ever realized it’s so easy to come up with action ideas for others but when it’s your own ideas it’s harder.  This is why generating actions for yourself needs to be done with someone else.

“So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.” James 4:17

Tips for Taking Action Now

  1. Try a Social media sabbatical – put it out of your hand! Out of sight out of mind.
  2. Taking 24 hours off of the phone.
  3. Setting a boundary, this doesn’t have to be with tech but this could be a good place to start.
  4. Journaling, a time to process.
  5. Set yourself up for success with routines, baby step your way with habits to create a new normal.
  6. Time in the Word, instead of wishing, find blocks or pockets of time to listen, read or speak the truth.

Noticing your red flags is half the battle. This comes from knowing yourself. Make sure you’re not looking for approval in others but staying grounded in the life you want and you value.


This series has been so huge and I’ve loved that we had the chance to talk about things that are going to make a big impact. Guys, we get one life to live. I do not want you to float through it, wishing you had taken more opportunities to be intentional and assertive. So here are some final thoughts on truly becoming bold.

Living in the present is what I want to challenge you with when it comes to becoming bold and living a life you chose.

Yes, we need to make some decisions based on the legacy we want to leave but being fully here for ourself and our family is what makes this life into what we hope and long for it to be. You know, when we live for tomorrow we’re stealing from today. Friend, don’t steal from your now instead embrace it with intention that impact your family, your story, your community and shows faithfulness over all else.

I want you to know that I’m talking to you – you are worthy, don’t count yourself out. The world is waiting for you.


How to Find Your Purpose 

Overcoming Challenges 

How to Build Community 


Atomic Habits  ||  Tech Wise Family  || The Unhurried Life Podcast || Becoming Bold Worksheet || Wynne Elder 

The Unhurried Life Starter Kit

Not sure where to start on your journey to living an unhurried life? Not to worry! I've got what you need in my Unhurried Life Starter Kit. It's strategically designed to help you create intention and purpose in your day-to-day.


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