Photographer Resources

How to Take Sunny Pictures

July 17, 2017

Ever wanted to know how to take those perfect sunny pictures? Sometimes the best time for us to grab a shot of the kids on the beach or at the pool is when the sunshine is directly above us.   How to take sunny photos can be a challenge but it does not have to […]

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Ever wanted to know how to take those perfect sunny pictures? Sometimes the best time for us to grab a shot of the kids on the beach or at the pool is when the sunshine is directly above us.  

How to take sunny photos can be a challenge but it does not have to be.


Yikes, as a photographer this is my worst nightmare.  I love soft, warm light.  That would mean it’s about an hour or two before the sun is setting.  Not high noon.

My first recommendations would be to find an umbrella.  Try to get your subject (child or friend) into a tiny bit of shade.  Now, yes, the background is going to be crazy bright and probably blown out but your sweet smiling little one will be perfect! Since we mostly care about the people and not the pool I’d say umbrellas or close by trees is where you want to take your photo.  Not the direct sunshine. After you get the shot of your popsicle fingered cutie, readjust your settings to take a photo of them in action.  In the water or sitting on the edge of the pool facing away from you.



I will say though, lately I’ve been enjoying direct sunshine on my subject.  


This needs to be thought out though and can’t always be done on the fly.  

Placing your subject so they look like they are enjoying the sun (not squinting into it) on their face and some shadows across their cheeks keep the photo from looking flat.  I’m not sure you could get a toddler to look like they are enjoying the sun but you could always try :)

sunny pictures

The best advice I have for sunny photos in the summer time is to look for some shade nearby or…embrace it.  Realizing they will squint, shadows will cover their eyes but it is what it is.  And it’s summer baby!

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