Enter “The school teacher”
I’d like to share a story…no, a mini-series if you will (and please do play along for a sec.). Although this is “technically” my story I’d be completely surprised if YOU were not in it. A 5 part series taking through the life Journey of an Entrepreneur. So, if you want to start a creative business, have a business already or KNOW someone that is starting/wants to start a business you will find connection right here. Right on this very blog and my Instagram. Ready for a ride?
(Says a narrator man with a dramatic flare)
A young girl’s dream transformed into reality as she grows up in the world. The decisions she makes that lead her down the path, there seems to be a surprise around every turn. From confusing taxes to marriage to a new town and then a new life. The school teacher makes an exciting realization and discovers a new found talent that brings in what we all seem to be chasing, money. But will this love and passion bring her happiness or will she find herself dreaming all over again?
Follow along in the Mini Series “The Life Journey of a School Teacher turned Entrepreneur turned Mompreneur” to see what happens.
The Story Begins…
For years I was comfortable knowing what I would do my “whole life”. My grandmother was a teacher, my mom was a teacher, I would be a teacher. And a teacher I was … am? I enrolled in college with the education department and (almost) never looked back. I started my teaching career in 3rd grade (almost) right after graduation.
I had this black worn out leather bag that sat in my room while I was at school. Inside held a world of possibility and adventure. When I was in High School my dad lent me his camera that was a wedding gift from my mom. Film, 30 years old and beautiful. I took photography in 10th grade and learned everything about taking photos. From make-outs in the dark room (clearing my throat, mom, dad I hope you’re not reading this…) to mixing chemicals and lighting exposure.
I had taken a few friends senior photos for fun and even a roommates engagement pictures in college. But I was still learning, I had not mastered one single thing. I never thought of it as a source of income. Rather just a hobby, something I did here and there because I enjoyed it. But it was starting to make me think, wonder and even dream a little.
I still enjoyed teaching and I was single so little was stopping me from continuing to work a 6 AM – 6 PM job as well as a few “could you just snap a few for us to use for our Christmas cards” sessions that paid in pats on the back and an occasional gift card. And then one day, one friend of a friend said, “how much do you charge”? (In reference to her wedding 6 months away) All of a sudden I had a “side hustle”, a small business. Me with my Early Childhood Education degree was supposed to know taxes, marketing, advertisements, send contracts, have an LLC (for crying out loud I had to google what alllllll that was!).
Does it really just happen like that? One day hobby, next day taxes? Yes, yes my friend it can and it does. I was more excited about making half my months salary in one evening (at a beautiful venue with free dinner) then insuring my equipment or having an actual contract to sign (good faith and a handshake was enough, right?).
Next up, summer vacation! I had the whole summer to book clients, figure out my “pricing” and line things up for the weekends once the school year got back in session. I was diving in head first, no looking back and I was killing it!
Then one day, I met this guy…see we fell in love and then …
Make sure to tune in next week to find out how the “guy” altered the journey of this “school teacher”….
Episode 2: Knowing When to Quit