
Sisters | The Value of Family

July 24, 2017

Let’s talk about sisters. When Justin and I got married I could not help but feel slightly out of place.  I was not blond and I did not graduate from A&M.  All of  my sisters-in-law did. That thought quickly (oh so quickly) became forgotten.  My sisters have been incredible.  Strong women of God that have the […]

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Let’s talk about sisters. When Justin and I got married I could not help but feel slightly out of place.  I was not blond and I did not graduate from A&M.  All of  my sisters-in-law did. That thought quickly (oh so quickly) became forgotten.  My sisters have been incredible.  Strong women of God that have the gift of encouragement. Even my own blond headed, Texas A&M graduate sister falls into the category or beautiful inside and out with a heart to lift up others!

I feel inspired and overjoyed to have such amazing sisters in my life.

My brothers wives are also sweet hearted and such blessings.  One is brown headed like me but also went to A&M and the other is blonde as they come.  But again, I’m surrounded by fierce and loving women that are also my sisters! It makes me think of the trip to Israel my husband and I took.  We learned that once a son was betrothed he would then go back and build onto his father’s house to make his new house.  This would continue for generations. So the whole family was all very close together.  They borrowed olive oil from each other and raised their families together.sisters

We live in a culture today that is spread out but I often wish we all lived closer, maybe not in connecting homes but what about even the same state? My priorities are slowly shifting to where they should have been years ago.  To value family and time with them above new adventures and places to see. This year we will travel by plane to see my sister and her family 5 times and by car to see my sisters-in-law at least 5 times as well.


It sounds like a lot but that is where we put our value.  Time with family.


Maybe one day we will all be within an hour or so of each other…or…dare I dream, on the same street???

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