
My Sister’s Floral Endeavor

December 6, 2013

My sister Josie has a wonderful talent for making floral arrangements. She recently had the opportunity to make the center pieces for an event her sorority, Alpha Chi Omega, put on for their newest pledge class and their families. This year she served as their “New Member Presentation Chair” which required her to put together […]

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Taiyaki occupy farm-to-table swag fashion axe four loko. Church-key palo santo selvage.

My sister Josie has a wonderful talent for making floral arrangements. She recently had the opportunity to make the center pieces for an event her sorority, Alpha Chi Omega, put on for their newest pledge class and their families. This year she served as their “New Member Presentation Chair” which required her to put together a banquet. As part of her job she was not only the master of ceremonies, but she was able to use her own floral skills to make the floral displays for every table.

I was curious about when her love for flowers began and she told me, “I was introduced to horticulture when I was little through my best friend’s family who owned a plant nursery. I have always LOVED the outdoors and had a garden growing up that kept me involved with plants.”

She said she was mainly interested because she loved fairies and she would imagine them living in her garden when she was little. When she started at Texas A&M University, she chose architecture as her major because she has always loved art, and she thought about going into graphic design but soon realized that was not her forte. She said, “I got into floral design last Fall when I took a Horticulture class and started helping a local floral designer with wedding flowers. She was really encouraging and told me one afternoon that she truly believed I had a talent for art and design. That gave me the confidence to book my first wedding on my own (which I did this past July) and I have continued to take horticulture classes and have even made plans to hopefully open my own flower shop one day!”

You can check out more of her floral designs one her website: Josie Posy Floral Design

Floral Displays for College Station 2 3

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