
Just One of Those Days

January 12, 2014

Have you ever had one of those days where, no matter what cloths you put on or how you try to brush your hair it just looks like you recently weathered a natural disaster, say, a hurricane? You have? Oh good, then you know how my day has gone so far. If I took sick […]

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This is the place where we're both learning to simplify, and cut out the distractions that keep us “barely above water”. 


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Taiyaki occupy farm-to-table swag fashion axe four loko. Church-key palo santo selvage.

Have you ever had one of those days where, no matter what cloths you put on or how you try to brush your hair it just looks like you recently weathered a natural disaster, say, a hurricane? You have? Oh good, then you know how my day has gone so far. If I took sick days, today would be a day I’d take! I woke up this morning and could hardly speak above a whisper (Justin loved it!) and I cleaned out our medicine drawer of all caught syrup and Advil.

We had a beautiful wedding yesterday. Despite it being the beginning of January the sun decided to peak out and the high in Galveston, TX was in the 70s. My voice was nothing but a scratch on the chalkboard but it was a wonderful way to spend my evening, photographing lovely people on the beach!

Even though it’s turned rainy out here the town is alive. Finally, the college students are all back, safe and sound. This whole town seemed to be sleepy for the past months with about 1/6 of the population vacated. I welcomed Kati back into the office with open (and slightly sick) arms.

As some football game hums in the background and the sun creeps below the horizon I’m winding down from hours of editing. I love looking at wedding photos so soon after the big day. Even more than looking at them myself, I love getting to show the bridal party all the photos on Monday! EEeeeeee, can’t wait for these to go up tomorrow.

We’re soon to be making homemade pizzas with all the students we have over on Sunday nights for dinner. I may make another can of soup and strap on a mask (so I don’t spread my germs). My sister came over earlier with some extremely exciting news, if you want to know what it is you’ll have to start following my blog to find out in a few days. Tomorrow is a new day and I can only hope my sickness takes the backseat soon!

sick day and soup Galveston Wedding

The Unhurried Life Starter Kit

Not sure where to start on your journey to living an unhurried life? Not to worry! I've got what you need in my Unhurried Life Starter Kit. It's strategically designed to help you create intention and purpose in your day-to-day.


Further simplification

Overwhelmed with all the pics on your phone?

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I help moms (just like you) organize and simplify their photos!

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Here are my 10 very best and tasty recipes, tried and true (mama/kid approved).

Did I mention they take under 10 minutes each?