
family photography | veley family

October 22, 2013

I couldn’t wait another second to post some pictures from this adorable family mini session over the weekend. This family is just as they appear: happy, charming, sweet and silly! I just love when I’m asked to document and be a part of a family photography session. There is nothing like capturing little moments in […]

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This is the place where we're both learning to simplify, and cut out the distractions that keep us “barely above water”. 


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Taiyaki occupy farm-to-table swag fashion axe four loko. Church-key palo santo selvage.

I couldn’t wait another second to post some pictures from this adorable family mini session over the weekend. This family is just as they appear: happy, charming, sweet and silly! I just love when I’m asked to document and be a part of a family photography session. There is nothing like capturing little moments in time to remember long from now. Deb and I met months back at the BRCMA meeting. We became quick friends having a few key things in common. Both just moved to the area about a year ago and both our husbands are in similar lines of work. I was thrilled to meet her two girls, as it seems, every time I’m over at Deb’s they’re either asleep or at school. I loved getting to meet the whole gang and photography these precious moments and stage of life!

Not only did we meet at 8:00 AM but it also happened to be in the high 40s, which is a twist for us Texans. However, the Veley family didn’t seem to mind, having lived in the Northeast only a year ago this was practically shorts weather to them. They warmed right up to the camera and their smiles were contagious!

family photography

The Unhurried Life Starter Kit

Not sure where to start on your journey to living an unhurried life? Not to worry! I've got what you need in my Unhurried Life Starter Kit. It's strategically designed to help you create intention and purpose in your day-to-day.


Further simplification

Overwhelmed with all the pics on your phone?

great news.

I help moms (just like you) organize and simplify their photos!

let's do this togehter. scroll to learn more.

Insider Secrets to Simplify

A great way to keep the man in your life at the top of your priority list!

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tired of surfing pinterest for dinner ideas?

Here are my 10 very best and tasty recipes, tried and true (mama/kid approved).

Did I mention they take under 10 minutes each?