
A&M Engagement Photos | Andy + Jackie

May 25, 2015

Folks, when it rains it pours. Especially when there is a tropical storm off the Texas coast. But did that stop, or even dampen the attitude, of these two? N-O! Jackie stepped out of the car, after a pep talk with CJ (the white fluff of cuteness below), in fashionably high boots and a flattering […]

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Taiyaki occupy farm-to-table swag fashion axe four loko. Church-key palo santo selvage.

Folks, when it rains it pours. Especially when there is a tropical storm off the Texas coast. But did that stop, or even dampen the attitude, of these two? N-O! Jackie stepped out of the car, after a pep talk with CJ (the white fluff of cuteness below), in fashionably high boots and a flattering black top while Andy got his fathers guitar out of the back seat. Their smiles told me right away the rain would not even be an afterthought!

I’m hard pressed to find a more loving and happy couple. You truly feel their love and it’s contagious. You can’t help but smile and laugh along with these two. What a blessing they are to each other and those around them. In fact their joy brought out a touch of sunlight at the end and let me tell you, this was the first sunshine we had seen in days and the last we’d see for another week, that’s something special if you ask me!

Along with Mr. CJ, Andy brought his dads guitar and serenaded Jackie under the tree. I was very tempted to sit down in front of them and just listen, so sweet! In fact one of Jackie’s favorite memories while dating Andy was when he would pull out the guitar and play songs his late father had taught him. Listening to Jackie describe moments of their relationship and journey just makes you warm inside!

To get you in the mood for these precious engagement photos I’d like to share one of the sweetest quotes straight from Jackie about Andy, “He is my best friend, the love of my life. My love for him grows every day! My heart is so full!” This get’s me even more excited for their big day at 7F Lodge coming in July!

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A&M Engagement Photos

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