
Alpha Chi Omega’s New Member Presentation

December 6, 2013

The Texas A&M Zeta Nu chapter of Alpha Chi Omega had their annual New Member Presentation last week at Pebble Creek Country Club in College Station. They use this venue every year not only because it is the only country club in College Station, but because of its beautiful and spacious clubhouse. It is a […]

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The Texas A&M Zeta Nu chapter of Alpha Chi Omega had their annual New Member Presentation last week at Pebble Creek Country Club in College Station. They use this venue every year not only because it is the only country club in College Station, but because of its beautiful and spacious clubhouse. It is a formal event for the new pledge class and their families as a welcoming into their new sisterhood. The new members sit and have dinner with their families and their “bigs” who are usually a year above them, and serve as their guides and mentors not only in the sorority itself but in the real world too. Alpha Chi Omega strives to empower these beautiful college girls to become “Real Strong Women.”New Member Presentation 2 3 4


Venue and Food: Pebble Creek Country Club

Floral Centerpieces: Josie Posy Floral Design

Photography: Jen Brazeal Photography

Last but not least, a special thanks to the Texas A&M Ross Volunteers who came and made this night even more special for all of the girls!

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