
Messina Hof Wedding Proposal | alex + veronica

November 5, 2013

This Messina Hof Wedding Proposal could not have been on a more beautiful day! I’ll tell you, when Alex emailed me a few weeks back I got giddy at the idea of photographing a proposal. I’ve actually photographed a few proposals before but never for someone I didn’t know before hand. When he called me […]

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Messina Hof wedding proposal

This Messina Hof Wedding Proposal could not have been on a more beautiful day! I’ll tell you, when Alex emailed me a few weeks back I got giddy at the idea of photographing a proposal. I’ve actually photographed a few proposals before but never for someone I didn’t know before hand.

When he called me up a few weeks ago I nearly feel out of my seat with excitement…I know, I’m just that girly!

I listened as he told me his plan and all the hoops he’d gone through to keep this a surprise. He even had a fake flyer made up to convince his girlfriend they were going to an “Aggie Wine tasting”. They’re both students at Texas A&M and in the core!

The evening was crisp after a week of rain and the sun was setting earlier since it was getting close to the time change. I of course showed up about 30 minute early because I was so nervous about ruining the surprise in some way I had to make sure to check everything out before hand. I got there in time to help some ladies for the winery set out rose petals, wine glasses and a custom bottle of wine Alex had prepared ahead of time. The girls and I messed with positions and lighting and I used them as props. ???? I was stumped though. I was wearing bright yellow and the vines weren’t thick enough to hide me. I’d be in plane sight as they came down the path…what to do??? Luckily, an unsuspecting couple happened along at that very moment and I seized my opportunity. “Excuse me, could I borrow you guys for a moment to pose for some fake photos?” I went on to explain and they were more than happy to be a part of the plan. I placed them in just the right spot to go along as my cover and got my shots as Alex and Victoria walked down the path toward a gazebo where everything was to take place!

As Alex got down on one knee I moved into place and got closer. My favorite quote from Veronica was, “you mean this isn’t a really thing?” She was totally stumped thinking she was getting to go to a private wine tasting and couldn’t get over that Alex had staged everything. I teared up as she said “YES!” and couldn’t help but hugging them both soon afterwards. (Having only just met them both for the first time that moment, I could imagine Victoria was thinking, “who is this crazy crying lady with a big camera?”) We got a few more incredible shots of the newly engaged couple before I left them to start calling friends and family and enjoy a nice bottle of vino in the vineyard!

Thank you both so much for allowing me to be a part of such a special and intimate time in your lives. And of course….CONGRATULATIONS!

Messina Hof wedding proposal Jen Brazeal Photography Jen Brazeal Photography Messina Hof Wedding Proposal

Jen Brazeal Photography Jen Brazeal Photography

Jen Brazeal Photography Jen Brazeal Photography Jen Brazeal Photography Jen Brazeal Photography Jen Brazeal Photography Jen Brazeal Photography Jen Brazeal Photography

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