
Goals for the next 26 Days

December 5, 2013

Yes, I’m fully aware that the majority of goal setting typically happens exactly 26 days from now when every one yell’s “Happy New Year”, plants a smooch on the nearest pair of lips, goes to sleep and then wakes up to realize there are 364 days ahead of them and that’s a lot of time […]

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goals for the next 26 days

Yes, I’m fully aware that the majority of goal setting typically happens exactly 26 days from now when every one yell’s “Happy New Year”, plants a smooch on the nearest pair of lips, goes to sleep and then wakes up to realize there are 364 days ahead of them and that’s a lot of time to …. do things! However, it’s never too late to throw in that last minute accomplishment before we pile on new things, is it? I hope not because that’s what I’m about to do! ????

So give me about 20 seconds to brew my Chia Latte and force my dog to wear a Santa hat then I’ll be on my way to some serious and critical goals for next 26 days of 2013!

Goals to be completed before the last few days of 2013 slip away:

#1 – Order 2 business books to read as part of my goal setting for 2014 off! Book 1 – Selling the Invisible by Harry Beckwith (yes these will be on CD or on iTunes whenever possible since the majority, sadly, of my time is spent behind the wheel and I’m pretty much addicted to audio tapes – especially if there is an English accent involved). Book 2 – Book Yourself Solid by Michael Port

#2 – Pick a place and Plan a trip to somewhere fun for Justin’s birthday using our Southwest Points (ding!)

#3 – Finalize and decide on my new logo and branding (so this one is also dependent on my designer but I’m confident in her and myself that we can do IT!)

#4 – Buy a pair of running shoes so that I can set a goal of using them more often (it doesn’t help my current ones have holes in the heals and, yes toes too! Not due to high usage but due to having them for ages)

#5 – Finish my Operations Manuals for all 3 of my new hires! (they deserve a little bit of sanity and organization. At the least I should be able to present them with a “fresh off the press” manual of what on Earth I’d like them to be doing!)

#6 – Order Christmas moves off Amazon!! (Must haves for all eternity: The grinch – new and old -, Miracle on 34th Street – new and old-, Prancer -tell me you remember this one, pleeeease! -, The Holiday, and last but not least Love Actually. I literally have every single other Christmas move in the world my favorite being……White Christmas, don’t you just love a cold glass of buttermilk and a musical number when you can’t sleep at night?)

That completes my list, keep an eye out for the new and revised/much larger list coming to you in…26 days and counting! Shoot me a comment or email and tell me what your goals are for the next 26 days…I may even help keep you accountable, whaaat???

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