
Trust Me!

January 20, 2014

Ever found yourself trying to switch out lenses while taking a picture and moving your flash stand all at the same time!? Yes? Me too! The day I asked Ally to come on as wedding assistant and blogger, was the same day my whole life changed! You’ve read a little about my office assistant and […]

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I'm jen!

This is the place where we're both learning to simplify, and cut out the distractions that keep us “barely above water”. 


Ready to Make Your Dreams Happen?

tell me more

Taiyaki occupy farm-to-table swag fashion axe four loko. Church-key palo santo selvage.

Ever found yourself trying to switch out lenses while taking a picture and moving your flash stand all at the same time!? Yes? Me too!

The day I asked Ally to come on as wedding assistant and blogger, was the same day my whole life changed! You’ve read a little about my office assistant and my IT guy, now it’s time to find out a little more about my wedding girl!

Ally came to me as bubbly and excited as you can be. She has tons of fresh ideas and I swear she is the cutest dresser this side of the Mississippi! Hehe!

Ally is my right-hand at weddings. She’s my, “Could you go grab…” and my, “Can you move it just a little bit that way?”, while handing me a lens in under 2 seconds.

If you’re a wedding photographer or ever dream of being a wedding photographer, you need an assistant. I used to shoot weddings alone. Not only was that extremely tiring but it was extremely tiring!

I’ll be posting a whole series on wedding assistants in the weeks to come. But for now, it’s time to meet Ally!

meet ally

When I’m at work with Jen Brazeal Photography I…

Help her write blog posts and help choose the best pictures for the posts. I help Jen think of ways to make the blog better and how to increase followers and networking. I also accompany Jen to weddings and assist her in any way possible so that she can flawlessly capture every moment of the weddings.

On my days off I love to…

Hang out with my girlfriends. Whether it’s a night in watching movies and crafting or a night out shopping, I love spending time with them. Friendships are incredibly important to me and investing time in the people I love is the key to great friendships.

I really wanted to work at JBP because…

Photography has been a hobby of mine for a long time and having the opportunity to learn from a professional sounded like an opportunity I could not pass up. I also want to have my own business one day (hopefully a bakery) and there was a huge learning opportunity that came with this job. By working with Jen I am learning important entrepreneurial skills, networking skills, and much more!

The Journey that got me to where I am today goes like this…

God put the desire in my heart to join a sorority my freshman year. I wanted a sisterhood where I could create new friendships from which I could grow and learn, where I could show girls God’s love, and lastly where I could find my bridesmaids. I pledged Alpha Chi Omega where I met Josie, Jen’s younger sister. Josie and I got to know each other through the Alpha Chi Bible study. When Jen was looking for an assistant, Josie recommended me to her before I even knew about the job. When I found out about the job opening I jumped up on my chair and said I found my dream part time job!! It’s mine! All I can say is that God works in marvelous ways.

My Family is…

Wonderful! My parents are a great example of the love that God intended for a husband and wife. They motivate me, support me, and love me unconditionally. I have an older brother and a younger sister who are also blessings from God ????

The funniest thing from my childhood that I can remember is…

When the Disney Channel show “That’s So Raven” was popular I decided to tell one of my friends that I was psychic, like Raven in the show. When my friend told me to prove it, I told her we were going to have sausage pizza for dinner. Funny thing is, I had simply overheard her mom ordering it on the phone earlier. But about a minute after I told her about the pizza the doorbell rang and the pizza arrived. She was blown away and totally believed me after that. I played along for a while after until I told her I was kidding hahaha.

When I grow up ….

I want to open up my own bakery. Or maybe even a pastry coffee shop. I love to bake but more than that, I love planning and creating. I have tons of ideas of what I would want it to look like and what the environment would feel like, and all those fun restaurant things!

My favorite snack …

Ice cream… I have a huge sweet tooth and I LOVE ice cream. I even eat it on my waffles instead of butter and syrup. You should try it sometime, you’ll never go back to syrup.

If I could go anywhere in the world…

I would like to go the Bahamas. I’ve been there once before when I was eleven and I’d like to go back again!

One reason I think Caddie really likes me is…

I love petting her and she loves to be pet so it works out for us!

meet ally

The Unhurried Life Starter Kit

Not sure where to start on your journey to living an unhurried life? Not to worry! I've got what you need in my Unhurried Life Starter Kit. It's strategically designed to help you create intention and purpose in your day-to-day.


Further simplification

Overwhelmed with all the pics on your phone?

great news.

I help moms (just like you) organize and simplify their photos!

let's do this togehter. scroll to learn more.

Insider Secrets to Simplify

A great way to keep the man in your life at the top of your priority list!

send me questions

40 Intentional Questions for your Hubby


tired of surfing pinterest for dinner ideas?

Here are my 10 very best and tasty recipes, tried and true (mama/kid approved).

Did I mention they take under 10 minutes each?