
What would change YOUR life?

January 9, 2014

What would change your life? A million dollars, a trip to Spain or a new car? What about the gift of time? I’ve written before on what a difference it made in my business to hire an Information and Technology specialist now I want to tell you the difference it made in my sanity to […]

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I'm jen!

This is the place where we're both learning to simplify, and cut out the distractions that keep us “barely above water”. 


Ready to Make Your Dreams Happen?

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Taiyaki occupy farm-to-table swag fashion axe four loko. Church-key palo santo selvage.

What would change your life? A million dollars, a trip to Spain or a new car? What about the gift of time? I’ve written before on what a difference it made in my business to hire an Information and Technology specialist now I want to tell you the difference it made in my sanity to hire an office assistant. Many of us can’t fathom hiring someone to come in and see how disorganized we are, trust me, I couldn’t either. I found my self saying, “I’ll be organizing that soon!” way too often. It was a huge leap for me to lay down my guard and welcome a complete stranger into my home, business and life. But it’s a leap I’d ask, no beg, you to consider too.

I quickly realized after hiring Kati to be my office assistant that I had to have a clear description for her of what I wanted her to do. Once I had a manual for her to go off of the tides changed. The first time I hired an assistant I pretty much fed her to the sharks! And you’ll do the same to the poor sole you bring into your business if you don’t have an operations manual to hand them. If you haven’t already picked up a copy of The E-Myth Revisited by Michael E. Gerber you need to now! Go to amazon type it in, add to cart and buy that thing! It is a game changer for those that are just starting out (or have been in business for a while already and feel like they’re sinking).

Did it take time for me to write a 20+ page manual (single spaced) + 18 different guides? No, it happened in the blink of an eye. YES! It took me time, and a lot of it. I had to carve out that time and designate it to making my life and the life of a future employee much, MUCH easier.

No more excuses about time. I have 24 hours and you have 24 hours, it’s what we choose to do with our hours that make the difference (I’m sure that ‘s a quote somewhere!). You’ll do what you want to do, not always what’s most important. So let me tell you now, you want to do this! You want to be able to click save on a massive document that describes all the things you no longer want to do. And then you get to hand it to someone else and say, “Here you go, this is for you.”

In my case, I got lucky because Kati said, “This is awesome. I’m so excited!” about all the stuff that made me want to go running straight off the edge of a cliff (where ever there is a cliff near by in Southeast Texas, I’m not sure!). As soon as you hand off that manual you have time. Time to do what you want or what you need to do. Spend it with your kids or networking for your business. What ever you choose to do with it, you’ll have it. You’ll no longer be doing the same thing over and over and over again. You’ve delegated and man does it feel good!

Kati has been such a blessing, she continual shocks. I’ll ask her to create a simple document for a client and she far exceeds what I had dreamed up. I have yet to be let down by this girl. Now I know we’ll have our trials as would be the case with any relationship. Especially a relationship where I’m expecting the other to read my mind half the time and the other half the time I’m piling task after task on them. However, remember they will never know what this business means to you, they’ll only have the ideas and knowledge you give them.

You may NOT get upset with someone else for being unable to predict your desires. You just can’t. Not your husband, children, or employees can do this. You have to provide a guide, a manual. It’s not micromanaging; it’s introducing them to the craziness inside of your head.

You may ask me, where did you find such a gem as Kati? I’ll tell you! Through a friend. We all have friends that know other people we don’t. Create a job post. Simple and specific. Don’t be afraid to list on there that they must like working with your home pet or be available after you kids go to bed. Then send your job post to a few friends and ask them to send it to a few friends. If you have quality friends they probably have quality friends, right? Trust!

When I was interviewing Kati she asked me one question that made me stop and think. She asked me to tell her about the journey that got me to where I was. Wow. What would your answer be? Leave a comment below with your journey or what you’d like to start doing differently. Now it’s time for you to have the pleasure of meeting the best business decision I’ve made so far! Kati!

What Would Change Your Life?

While at work with Jen Brazeal Photography…

I help Jen with everyday tasks such as editing photos, creating photo albums, and corresponding with clients. Lately, I’ve been designing and ordering products that show off JBP’s new logo which I LOVE. (Did I mention part of my job description is to help Jen keep her sanity?)

On my days off…

I love spending the day at Mugwalls or exploring Downtown Bryan with my camera. My friends and I also have our favorite activities like country dancing or going out for sushi (and of course, I force them to take a million pictures no matter where we go).

I really wanted to work at JBP because…

I have always loved photography and have been looking for someone incredible (aka Jen!) to show me the ropes. I’m really excited to be able to help JBP grow, and I can’t wait to see how it will continue to develop in the future. I’m most looking forward to getting exposure to the entrepreneurship side of photography and being an overall helpful hand to Jen!

The Journey that got me to where I am today goes like this…

I got my first DSLR camera when I was in the ninth grade. I was on yearbook staff all through high school, so I got a lot of practice shooting at football games, swim meets, etc. However, I really fell in love with portrait photography. I began shooting senior portraits when I was a junior and have tried to pursue it ever since. When I got to A&M, I struggled to find a way to incorporate photography into my everyday life, but now I am a firm believer that I am right where I need to be with JBP (:


My Family is…

Greek! If you are automatically thinking about the movie, “My Big Fat Greek Wedding,” you are spot on. Opa!

The funniest thing from my childhood that I can remember is…

trying out for my elementary school talent show in second grade. I had this grand vision that I was going to open the show with the Star Spangled Banner, even though my mother tried to, er, politely talk me out of it. Despite her best efforts, my audition consisted of me singing a very out-of-key national anthem…a capella! Looking back, I am completely mortified because it’s common knowledge that I can’t sing at all. But the story gets better…after I finished singing, I broke out in a tap dance on stage. That should have won me some brownie points with the judges, right?

When I grow up…

I want to be a photographer. I can’t really see myself doing anything else, and I’ve always seen such value in photographs. I also want to travel!

My favorite snack…

does coffee count?! I’ve always liked eating popcorn with M&M’s mixed in. If you haven’t tried that yet, you definitely should!

If I could go anywhere in the world…

I would travel to Greece. I’ve been there once, but there is so much more to explore! I want to go back and skip all of the typical tourist spots-I would much rather venture to places off the beaten path. I also want to go to New York during Christmastime!

One reason I think Caddie really likes me is because…

our names are kinda-sorta similar!


I hope you like Kati as much as we do! I’m so excited to see all the Lord has planned for this woman as she continues on with her photography and education! Big things are going to happen for this one, I’m tellin’ ya, get ready!

The Unhurried Life Starter Kit

Not sure where to start on your journey to living an unhurried life? Not to worry! I've got what you need in my Unhurried Life Starter Kit. It's strategically designed to help you create intention and purpose in your day-to-day.


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great news.

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let's do this togehter. scroll to learn more.

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