Client Resources

Need a Little Guidance?

January 17, 2014

So you’re going to do it! You’re going to document your families current life stage or update your wall art! Great! I’m so excited for you and your future decorating inspirations! Feeling comfortable and gathering family photography ideas is so much fun! That’s right, FUN! It’s important to feel prepared and ready for your family […]

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Taiyaki occupy farm-to-table swag fashion axe four loko. Church-key palo santo selvage.

So you’re going to do it! You’re going to document your families current life stage or update your wall art! Great! I’m so excited for you and your future decorating inspirations! Feeling comfortable and gathering family photography ideas is so much fun! That’s right, FUN! It’s important to feel prepared and ready for your family photography session. I’m used to getting questions like, “what should we wear?” or “where should we go?”. After those 2 staple questions I usually get, “Good luck with this bunch, my son’s in a ‘too cool for smiles’ stage right now.”

Never fear. For you, these are not everyday feats, but for your photographer, it’s all common place. ????

I posted earlier about the use of props in a photography session. If you haven’t had a moment to look it over and leave a comment about your favorite prop ideas are please hop on over and do that now! There is some great info on feeling comfortable and getting in the “mood” for standing in front of the camera!

My basic approach to family photography sessions is non-invasive. Meaning…? Meaning I’ll do my best to allow you to be natural! You’re probably not too fond of the 1980s, everyone matching in white t-shirts and awkward hand placement photos, are you?. Okay good, me either! ????

I’ve prepared a little Family Photography FAQ that I send out to all my clients that book family photos. It’s simple, 2 short pages with some photos and ideas, covering the basics. I found that it was easier for me to make this FAQ then to rewrite the same email a kagillion times.

I also advise clients to check out Pinterest but to remember one very critical thing. You’ve hired your photographer fortheirstyle. If you love someone else’s photo on Pienterst, go find their photographer and have them take your photos. Trust the photographer you hire to do their job at capturing your family. Use Pinterest for color coordination ideas but try to stay away from pinning photos of someone else’s emotion. Why? Your family may not all want to go play in the sprinkler while eating watermelon and laughing. I mean, that would be cute (if you were 5 and had a stinking cute 2-piece) but your family may think that’s lame and then…you’re let down. Be realistic. You know your family better than your photographer will. So pick cloths, props, locations and ideas based off your family. ????

Here are a few of the FAQ’s I give out in my Family Photography Packet!

family photography outfit ideas

How Do I book a Session?

Send me an email and we’ll look at our calendars to find a weekday we all have open. No deposit is not required to book your date, however payment is due on the day of your session.

What is the best time to take photos?

The 2 hours before sunset are best, for morning shoots we can start 2 hours after sunrise.

Tips on what to wear

It can be good to keep in mind color coordination but no need to match exactly. In fact the photos will probably speak more about your family if you don’t all look identical. One outfit is all you’ll need. However, if you have little ones it may not be a bad idea to bring a back up outfit, just in case! If it makes you feel more comfortable lay all the outfits out on your bed and snap a picture with you phone. Text it to me and I’ll be happy to give you my “seal of approval” ????

family photography cloths

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