
engagement photographer | lauren + john are engaged

September 24, 2013

As an engagement photographer one of the funnest things ever are couples in l-o-v-e! Of course, it makes my life way more easy but it’s also so fun to be around couples that love each other and love the Lord! Lauren and John are both of those! John is actually in Kentucky as we speak […]

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Taiyaki occupy farm-to-table swag fashion axe four loko. Church-key palo santo selvage.

As an engagement photographer one of the funnest things ever are couples in l-o-v-e! Of course, it makes my life way more easy but it’s also so fun to be around couples that love each other and love the Lord! Lauren and John are both of those! John is actually in Kentucky as we speak going to seminary (a-mazing) and Lauren is being a huge trooper, staying behind in ol’ Bryan/College Station until there wedding in a few months! When you ask Lauren what her favorite thing about John is, you’ll get this “His love for Christ, contagious personality and the fact that he’s equally as weird as I am.” How could you not want to hang out with these two???!!!! ????

We spent an awesome evening in downtown Bryan where the colors were vibrant, the lighting was golden and the laughter was heavy!! I think these pictures are some of my favorite because when you look at them all as a whole you see color and joy! I may have also found one of my favorite pictures of the year in the series we took of Lauren in a white lace dress and John in slacks and a grey button up. The sun was behind them and they were so giddy! I know I’ve only just “met” them a few months back but I feel like I know them and these pictures captured some of who they truly are! I hope you will agree and enjoy this fun couple!

Jen Brazeal Photography, LLC Jen Brazeal Photography, LLC engagement photographer Jen Brazeal Photography, LLC Jen Brazeal Photography, LLC engagement photographer Jen Brazeal Photography, LLC Jen Brazeal Photography, LLC Jen Brazeal Photography, LLC

Oh my goodness! This picture [below] may be the most precious thing ever. I also love the beautiful sky reflecting in the windows up above. Lauren had been talking about this “blue wall” during the beginning of the shoot and when we found it, it was like fireworks went off!!! Pure happiness!! ????

Jen Brazeal Photography, LLC Jen Brazeal Photography, LLC Jen Brazeal Photography, LLC Jen Brazeal Photography, LLC Jen Brazeal Photography, LLC Jen Brazeal Photography, LLC Jen Brazeal Photography, LLC Jen Brazeal Photography, LLC Jen Brazeal Photography, LLC Jen Brazeal Photography, LLC Jen Brazeal Photography, LLC Jen Brazeal Photography, LLC Jen Brazeal Photography, LLC Jen Brazeal Photography, LLC Jen Brazeal Photography, LLC Jen Brazeal Photography, LLC Jen Brazeal Photography, LLC

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