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What do High Heels, sunflowers and Ice Cream Have in Common?

January 16, 2014

Let’s talk a little about using props for photos! The first thing I’d like to emphasize is, with out a doubt, the corniest thing you’ll hear all day. Maybe even all week! ???? The best prop for photographs is……………..Love! That’s right, I said it. I’m that sappy, but hear me out? You can spend hours […]

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Let’s talk a little about using props for photos! The first thing I’d like to emphasize is, with out a doubt, the corniest thing you’ll hear all day. Maybe even all week! ???? The best prop for photographs is……………..Love!

That’s right, I said it. I’m that sappy, but hear me out? You can spend hours on pienterest or surfing blogs for cute things to include as props in your photos. But, what ultimately is the photo that catches your eye?

Ummmm…okay, it may be the newly engaged couple holding up a frame with the bling shining in the sun or that sign that’s so carefully painted by the girl on But let’s be honest, we’re mostly drawn to the photo of the whole family managing a group hug (where no one is bopping the other on the head) or that split second he looks adoringly at his bride-to-be as he’s leading her beside the water.

Emotion. Love. True Joy.

Now, I’m not saying an ice cream treat while strolling down Main Street isn’t a good idea. On the contrary, but it shouldn’t be the main idea. Ultimately you want to focus more of your time on enjoying each other during your photo taking time then making sure you have the correct sign out that matches that outfit (more on outfits to come soon, you’re going to love this new blog series!).

Some of my favorite sessions have involved handing a squirmy 2-year-old a sunflower that’s bigger than their head and capturing their fascinating reaction. Or having a bride pick up her dress just enough to show off her incredibly fancy 5 inch heals she hand glued jewels onto. My sister even painted her own sign that said, “save our date” for the front of her postcards.

All of that is great. All of that are the details. We eventually tossed the sunflower in a ditch (after all the pedals had been plucked), we stashed the hand made sign in the barn after half a dozen clicks and we changed to flip flops for the rest of the shoot.

Keep in mind that you’ve asked me, your photographer, to capture you. And that’s what I’ll do. As un-awkwardly as possible, I’ll get you to act like yourself in front of my lens! (Beware of attempted knock knocks by my clever assistant or me. They’re bad.)

Props? I love props, they make a photo fun but just a photo. Not all of them. You make all of them fun. Trust me on this one. Most folks aren’t used to being in front of the camera (unless you’re Angelina Jolie or Kim Kardashian, which…thus far I have not gone on a paparazzi rampage in Beverly Hills) so the less hectic you can make a session the more relaxed the photos will turn out!

Pick the board game your family crakes up while playing or plan a spectacular date to take your fiancé on and then…invite me to come along, hehe!

What do high heels, sunflowers, and ice cream have in common? Very little. But, you can use details as props in your photos to create the atmosphere you’re going for. Less is more. When in doubt, go with the be all and end all. Love!

engaged couple dancing family hug

The photo on the left of the family hugging has been my most pinned image on my business Pinterest page. Along with another photo below of a couple walking beside the water, no props except… you guessed it! LOVE!

high heels and wedding dresses save our date sign kissing engaged couple using date as a prop using a verse as props wrapped up in christmas lights using flowers as props

Using fresh flowers for a family session turned out to make all the girls happy. Next time you book me for your family photo update, call up your florist and have them create a tiny something special for your session?!using letters as props for photos couple walking beside lake using sunflowers as props for photos wagon as a photo propAfter a few shots of this precious little babysituated in many different positions, we ended up putting her on the floor while we moved some furniture. She went right back to sleep (after getting a little fussy) on a fuzzy carpet, I clicked and it ended up being one of Mommy and I’s favorites. The photo on the right used a red wagon, juice box and brotherly love!

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