
engagement | christi + blake

October 16, 2013

Christi and Blake will be getting hitched in June out at a dear friends ranch. So it only seemed appropriate that we take engagements out there. They spend a lot of time there hunting, shooting the breeze and falling in love! ???? They weren’t even dating yet when Christy agreed to go hunt birds with […]

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Christi and Blake will be getting hitched in June out at a dear friends ranch. So it only seemed appropriate that we take engagements out there. They spend a lot of time there hunting, shooting the breeze and falling in love! ????

They weren’t even dating yet when Christy agreed to go hunt birds with Blake! I guess you could say, “she had him at “BAM”!” (I apologize for the corniness!)

They met a few years back at Harry’s through mutual friends. For those who are not familiar with Harry’s … you ought to be! It is a super fun country dancing hall. Once you check out these pictures you’ll see why it was perfect these two met while at a country dance hall! They pretty much speak, sleep and breath country ???? I wish I was that Texan! When I asked Christy what some of her favorite things about blake or things that could describe him and she said, “everything, he’s sweet, outdoorsy, loving, goofy” I think that sums it up. However, I would add hunter to that. Just from the short time I’ve known him, I would probably put that first! ???? Blake is currently a guide and leading hunts up in Canada. I love checking out his posts on Facebook. I’m also very jealous he’s experiencing the Northern Lights in all their glory.

I loved shooting these engagements with them and going on a grand tour of the ranch! I learned so much about the land and area. Not to mention, longhorns can be girls and still have the huge horns! Fun Fact courtesy of Mr. Blake Watson!

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If you could have dinner anywhere in the world where would you go and what would you eat!?

Christy and Blake say: “Somewhere in Ireland or Australia….but we eat Mexican food the most :)” (that’s my kinda people)!

Jen Brazeal Photography, LLC

And in case you’re wondering where Christi got all of her fun jewelry…I’ll tell you! From Blake, all picked out at different times and of course, it all goes beautifully together! Way to go Blake!
Jen Brazeal Photography, LLC

This picture tells a story. Blake proposed to Christi on Christmas…using their new puppy! Aaahhhh so stinking cute!

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