
Engagement photos | Josie + Travis

December 18, 2013

My beautiful younger sister, Josie, is ENGAGED! Holy Moly! I can’t say I’m actually ready for this! Needless to say this was one of the funnest times I’ve ever had taking engagement photos. Mostly because I knew everything to do and say to get these two to crack up and we had a blast making […]

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My beautiful younger sister, Josie, is ENGAGED! Holy Moly! I can’t say I’m actually ready for this! Needless to say this was one of the funnest times I’ve ever had taking engagement photos. Mostly because I knew everything to do and say to get these two to crack up and we had a blast making jokes and capturing all their love!

Travis is part of the Cav. (Parsons Mounted Calvary) which is a really cool branch of the Corps of Cadets at Texas A&M. The Cav. gets to march in on horseback to all the Football games and they’re also the only mounted ROTC unit in the United States. Travis spends a lot of his time out at The Green which is where they take care of all the horses and equipment he also proposed to Josie out there (more on that to come!) so it only seemed appropriate to start the engagement shoot there.

I asked Josie to tell us first hand about their love story! Such a fun story and to see how the Lord was moving in all of it!

” Travis and I met at a Christian freshman camp put on by Texas A&M, known as Impact Camp, two weeks before the start of our first year as full blood Aggies. I was determined as I entered my freshman year that I didn’t need a boyfriend so I turned Travis down several times at the start of our friendship when he asked me to an Aggie football game. After much persistence we went on a few dates but I still played “hard to get” until Travis presented me with an ultimatum of either being his girlfriend or nothing at all… I turned him down yet again only to realize that I didn’t want to lose the friendship we had built and I really did enjoy holding his hand… soooo I changed my mind and ended up asking HIM to be my boyfriend by the end of the night!

We had been dating for three years and both had become very close in our relationships with The Lord when we started talking about marriage. I was more than ready for him to pop the question when my patience was about spent. One warm October evening his organization had planned a movie night outside the barn at Parsons Mounted Calvary when I arrived (30 minutes late of course) and the guys had mounted their horses, raised their sabers into an arch and Travis waited eagerly for me. My mind couldn’t wrap around the fact that Travis was down on one knee asking me to spend my life next to him. Only a few days before I had been questioning if he’d even THOUGHT about buying a ring yet! He wanted to surprise me and he definitely did!

Our Lord had a plan from the beginning. All the times I told Travis no and all the times Travis wanted to give up his pursuit of me had their way of turning into a fabulous journey that led to the beginning of our forever. We still argue and still make each other frustrated but more importantly we make each other laugh and we make each other strive toward becoming more like Christ.

I’d say we couldn’t be more of a crazy pair…and I can’t wait to spend forever with Travis. ”

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Travis has had the honor of firing off the canon at many of the Texas A&M football games whenever the team scores.

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This was the first time Josie and Travis had walked under the Century Tree. I had to give them a moment to “do it correctly” before we started taking pics. Aggie tradition says that who ever you walk under the tree with is who you’ll stay with forever and if you walk under it alone…well you’ll be alone forever!

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engagement photos

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In case you ever found yourself wondering what type of a relationship Josie, Travis and I really have…this picture is pretty much a FULL explanation! ????

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