So besides March, when I got hitched, and October, when I gave birth…April is the BEST month ever!
I’m completely in love with April…why?

Jules Photo & Design
I have a few reasons, are you interested?
The weather.
I wish I was born and bred in California. As it is, I only spent my summers there with family. But I adore the cool ocean breeze and swaying palms! Who doesn’t?
On days where the Texas high is 77 degrees I love to lay out in the backyard on a giant blue quilt and pretend like our 0.27 acre lot is worth $1.8 million and the beach is a few blocks away!
The 7th.
The day and Month I was born. In an old Methodist Hospital in San Antonio. I was a surprise. Everyone told my mom I was going to be a boy and so the nursery was painted blue.
“Hello, I’m a girl!”
Recently while cleaning out a few old boxes at my parents I came across some of the most precious little watermelon dresses and pink eyelet shirts. My mom made the mind set switch quite quickly and I’m so glad she did!
Typically my April tends to slow down. It’s a month where not a lot happens. Most of the time Easter falls in April and that is for sure a time of peace and joy.
Once my Birthday actually fell on Easter and guess what? I got a real live bunny that morning with a yellow bow. I named her ‘Floppsy’ and I loved her so much!
Tell me what your favorite month is? What are your reasons? I’d love to read some of your comments below and hear!