Photographer Resources

How to Adjust Camera Settings

July 31, 2017

Learning how to adjust camera settings can take practice.  I know you don’t want to hear that but like anything (think about how terrible of a driver you were the first time you went around the neighborhood, or worse, the freeway) mastering something new is not going to happen over night. In the Matrix the lead […]

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Learning how to adjust camera settings can take practice.  I know you don’t want to hear that but like anything (think about how terrible of a driver you were the first time you went around the neighborhood, or worse, the freeway) mastering something new is not going to happen over night. In the Matrix the lead character, Neo, was able to upload the knowledge and skill of fighting into his brain. If only!

Here, in real life, we have to practice.

camera settings

When shooting on manual mode you are in control of the photo.  Not the camera.  That means you need to know what buttons do what.


ISO – controls the grain of your photo, how clear it can be.

Shutter – controls the speed or blur in your photo.

F-Stop (Aperture) – controls the depth of field, how little or how much is in focus.


All three also control how light or dark your photo is going to be and they all play off each other as well.  It’s like a triangle sort of. In my guide where I explain more and give examples of different settings you will have a more clear idea of what I mean.


camera settings

Now go on and get to work.  With my guide you’ll have a more clear idea how to adjust camera settings to get the perfect photo just for you!

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