
12 dozen Roses, That’s Just the Beginning

January 14, 2014

Today I have a special treat for you! You get to meet 4 people that mean the world to me! I knew my husband’s brother and his wife’s anniversary was coming up soon so I wanted to do something special to honor them! They have both been such a great example of love to us […]

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Taiyaki occupy farm-to-table swag fashion axe four loko. Church-key palo santo selvage.

Today I have a special treat for you! You get to meet 4 people that mean the world to me! I knew my husband’s brother and his wife’s anniversary was coming up soon so I wanted to do something special to honor them! They have both been such a great example of love to us (just like the rest of our family!).

You do get to choose your spouse but not always the family that comes with them. Right? I think it’s safe to say I hit the Jackpot when I married Justin. He has 3 amazing brothers (that married even more amazing women) and a rare set of God-fearing parents. All the wives were at one-point (or still are) teachers, and went to A&M (except me). We all love the Lord and each other. I’ve learned so much from those 3 women over the past few years, I definitely lucked out!

I wanted to share with you some things about Jordan and Liz and their growing family. Jordan is the brother right under Justin. They live in the Dallas area and we love their 2 beautiful children.

Liz shares a few words of advice to you brides out there and shares a little bit of their real life love story! :). I hope you enjoy getting to meet some of my family! Are those kids not the cutest!?! (I may be a little bias!).

12 Dozen roses and wedding photos

How did you and Jordan meet?

One of my girlfriends brought Jordan to our sorority date party. I remember thinking how gorgeous he was and wondering if he had a brother ;). We met again at an aggie yell practice a few years later on New Years Eve. It was in downtown Dallas for the cotton bowl and, because of mutual friends, we ended up squeezed in right next to each other in a crowd of thousands. We talked a little and there was definitely some chemistry J He later asked the mutual friend for my number and the rest is history.

How did Jordan Propose and what were you thinking when he did?

Jordan proposed 6 months into our dating relationship! After a nice dinner he took me up to the Dallas petroleum club. We stepped out of the elevator to a beautifully candlelit atrium overlooking Dallas with 12 dozen roses arranged throughout the room. Coincidentally the petroleum club is one of the top floors in the building Jordan works in. I had been badgering him to take me up there so it wasn’t unexpected for us to be in that building. Walking off the elevator, my initial thought was a wedding reception must be going on. Once I saw how nervous he was and he began to walk me up to the window overlooking the city I realized what was about to happen. Our parents had helped set up and my dad had hidden a camera behind one of the plants so we have the whole thing on video:).

What was your favorite thing about your wedding?

Hmmm… My favorite thing about my wedding was the moment the doors opened and I saw Jordan at the end of the aisle. It’s just such a special moment. The music was playing and friends and family were all there, standing and smiling in their support for us. I remember my dad whispering to me to “Just smile at Jordan”…such a surreal moment when you realize the significance of the covenant taking place

Tell me 3 fun/interesting traits about Jordan you love.

Well fun and interesting traits?

. Jordan talks in his sleep. He has said some pretty weird things…usually about work and financial terms that I don’t understand (he’s a banker) but it’s always pretty funny.

. Situations that to me might be awkward, uncomfortable or nerve-wracking don’t faze him. He just tackles them head on. Fearlessly

. He surrounds himself weekly with other men who challenge and keep him accountable to grow spiritually and as a husband / father.

12 dozen roses 2

What’s been a few of the most exciting things so far in your marriage (yes, you can talk about Larkin and Lila!) ????

We were married 6 years before having kids (Larkin and Lila). Of course several trips we had pre babies were exciting. My favorite was a trip to Jackson Hole. That would be the “sexy” answer. I guess the most exciting things in our marriage would be ”life’s exciting moments shared with Jordan”…Most recently watching him become a dad to our two children Larkin and Lila. The most thrilling thing for me is sharing these moments with Jordan and being a witness to his experiencing of them.

Words of advice for future brides/wives/newly weds!

Well to brides my advice would be, after all the planning, to remember the ultimate focus is your marriage to your husband and not how smoothly the details of the wedding or reception go. Expect things to go wrong…(My Vera Wang dress was brought back from the cleaners completely ruined the night before the rehearsal dinner☺) But if you focus on the marriage more than the “wedding” stuff like that just becomes funny and eventually, a good story!

To wives I would say, something I’m recently relearning… take seriously your role as wife to love him well. There will be great times in marriage as well as times or seasons that are lonely and disappointing. Ultimately I believe I’ll be accountable to the Lord for the choices I make daily to either be a blessing or a “curse” towards him. Proverbs 12:4 (the Message translation) “A hearty wife invigorates her husband, but a frigid woman is cancer in the bones.

12 dozen roses 3

wedding venue- Royal Lane Baptist, Dallas

wedding photographer-Brooks Photography

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