
My Brother’s Getting Married!

January 7, 2014

Let me begin by saying, “aaahhhhhhhhh”! Alright, now that’s our of my system…let me tell you a little bit about Jamie and Jessica! I literally just got off the phone with Jessica, making sure I have all my facts straight is pretty important when you are telling a story about family! I still can’t wrap […]

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Let me begin by saying, “aaahhhhhhhhh”! Alright, now that’s our of my system…let me tell you a little bit about Jamie and Jessica! I literally just got off the phone with Jessica, making sure I have all my facts straight is pretty important when you are telling a story about family!

I still can’t wrap my mind around the fact that my little brother is getting married, and to one of the prettiest and sweetest girls we know.

They met Jessica’s freshman year through mutual friends. They remained friends for a while and then went on to dating! One of the best dates Jess can remember is when Jamie took her, blindfolded, to a really awesome steakhouse near Abilene! They had a wonderful dinner and then played putt putt golf. In fact, you can see a picture of that very date on my little brothers Facebook profile picture, he has yet to change, awww, how cute! ???? (this is my brother we’re talking about, the same kid that wouldn’t stop throwing pine cones at me on a family vacation until I locked myself in the car, yes, my little brother!)

As for their proposal… I’m going to go ahead and spill the beans right now! It’s just too cool to make you wait! He proposed to Jess after they went skydiving … while she was still hooked to the parachute!! Both of our families got the pleasure of being there for this extremely exciting event. We then went on to one of the best restaurants you’ll find in Texas, the Gristmill. If you haven’t had a chance to check it out after a hot summer day of tubing down the river, you must make that a priority. Only drawback is, be prepared for an hour or more wait (but it’s sure worth it!)

For Jamie and Jess’ engagement photos we went to one of the coolest spots that I have ever discovered for photo shoots in San Antonio and it also just so happens to be right down the street from my parents house. An old abandoned radio station with a huge field all around it. Mix an amazing couple + perfect time of day and you could not have a happier photographer :). Welcome to the family Jess, we could not be more excited to call you a sister and family!!

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Did I forget to mention, that my little brother has a horse for a dog!? Duke is the the sweetest puppy ever. Sadly, Blue, is MIA (blue is Jess’ Blue Healer that wouldn’t fit in the truck with all that love and dog already there! hehe)

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