Mom and kids

Why a podcast? Podcasts are the best way for us to sit down and chat, really talk!   Blogging is fun, and I’m doing it right now, I love it.  I love to write and learning how to start a blog and keep a blog for my business has been a huge process.  Same goes […]

Finding Your Place


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Well, I think it’s official! The Unhurried Life podcast coming in Nov!   I asked you to vote and vote you did.  Even though I was gunning for another name you spoke loud and clear.   The podcast name is (drum roll please) The Unhurried Life!   I’m loving it more and more.  I love […]

The Unhurried Life


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Why 1950's Moms Had It Made - Jen Brazeal

How to work from home?  How to be a working MOM from home?  How to make and KEEP good girlfriends?  How to eat right, be healthy and look amazing?  How to find your purpose? How to make time for your own hobbies and interests (when you’re raising kids)? Have you ever struggled with living the […]

Be the Change


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Help - Jen Brazeal

Tell me if this is you, cause it SURE is me! It’s okay to ask for help, that does not make us lazy or a burden!   Feeling like I need to do it all on my own, inside my four walls.  Nobody needs to see me struggle or flounder, keep the doors closed and […]



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I do know you - Jen Brazeal

I never really liked it when people start out an email or an instagram post with “hey friend”.  Cause if we were friends, wouldn’t you say my name there? I know you’re just talking to the masses. All my life I’ve felt like I’m striving.  Striving for more, or to do it better or to […]

I Do Know You


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Wanna name my baby - Jen Brazeal

It’s true, we’ve backed ourselves into a corner here.  Both our boys have strong meaning in their names. Both named after family and both named after a strong biblical man.  So now with our third we feel like we need to stick to the trend. Naming new should be tough, it should have meaning and […]

Wanna Name My Baby?


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Red Light and My Light Bulb Moment - Jen Brazeal

Sitting at a red light with both my kids strapped into their carseats behind me I glanced over at the car next to me. 2 adorable girls, probably in college since I was near the university, squeezed together in the drivers seat!  That’s right, you read that correct. They were both sitting behind the wheel […]

Red Light + My Light Bulb Moment


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Guilt vs Conviction - Jen Brazeal

What I’m really hoping by writing this today is that you will feel a tiny bit of freedom when you’re done reading. Since this is a struggle I’m currently facing as a mom, friend, wife, business owner, and well, in pretty much eeeevery aspect of my life, I’m feeling like I’ve become a bit of […]

Guilt vs. Conviction and What to Do About Both


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Jen Brazeal - Fitness Routine

First, I want to make sure you know your own fitness expectations.  Ladies, we’re all in different places. I strive for over all, being able to get the most miles outta this sedan as possible, so I keep it running often, tuned and put the best fuel in I can. Knowing your own goals and […]

Fitness Routine | Expecting Mama


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